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Babis Bach Babies

Bilingual storytelling sessions with live music

A unique experience for babies and toddlers. Combining live music from classically trained musicians with storytelling, our sessions aim to support pre-school education by encouraging language learning in both Welsh and English, introduce topical themes through song and movement and develop confidence through participation.

Sesiynau stori ddwyieithiog gyda cerddoriaeth fyw

Profiad unigryw i fabis a phlant bach. Wrth gyfuno cerddoriaeth fyw gan gerddorion proffesiynol gydag adrodd straeon, mae ein sesiynau yn cefnogi addysg y blynyddoedd cynnar trwy annog cyfathrebiad yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, cyflwyno themâu perthnasol trwy symud a chanu a datblygu hyder trwy gymryd rhan.

© 2022-2024 by Babis Bach Babies

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